Our Journey

Our Journey

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back in the Swing of Things

It seems last week was overwhelming - maybe because we had been off so long and had to get used to structure again, or because I was sick, or because we had a laundry list of items on our "to do" list, or because we headed to Denver right after work on Friday, or probably because of a little of all of these things! But this week it seems we are settling in to things a bit better, even though we've been busy.
Cayle showing off on his bike

Monday morning Nick and Cayle made it to the pool to swim a bit with Melinda and Macklin. They had to cut their swim time a bit short since I had to go see Dr. Kohn and get checked up from being sick so much. We heard the baby's heartbeat (mid 140s again), and had some tests and everything looks fine. So, we're back to just making sure I get all my nutrients and help this little guy grow :) Next check-up is Monday (1/16), with the diabetes check.

Today Nick and Cayle went to library before Nick went to work. Cayle got very close to looking for the mouse (lifting a piece of felt in front of the group), but he bailed at the last minute. Maybe next time! I had an eye dr appt tonight and found out why I detest wearing my glasses so much...an updated lens prescription will be in next week! Nick made a nice dinner of rice and stir fry vegetables before we put Cayle to sleep and settled in to watch the Illinois basketball game.
The boys ready for the Ohio State v Illinois game

The rest of the week will probably go by quickly - we have 2 more full days of school, then a half-day work day on Friday, and are looking forward to next Monday off (thank you to Dr Martin Luther King!). Lots of house chores to do this weekend - let us know if you'd like to come visit and help rearrange the kitchen pantries, do some paint touch-up on the walls, clean fans, wash down baseboards, that kind of fun stuff :)

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