Our Journey

Our Journey

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wiped Out!

What a day! Not sure what happened for sure, or why we are so tired, but we are both just wiped out! Mom and I took the kids to the Zoo today. They loved it! Cayle got to see the amazing elephant exibit, got to ride the train for the first time, and see the mountain goats! Along with many other animals. Lindy slept almost the entire time and loved her stroller ride! About noon it started to get pretty hot, and Cayle started to melt down a bit. Luckily he was able to hold it together long enough to make it back to the car to go pick up Natalie from her conference. He fell asleep almost immediately in the car. We dropped Grandma off at the airport and headed home! Luckily Natalie had a $40 meal reimbursement for the night, so we picked up Noodles for dinner!! What a great day, and it feels great to be home in the mountains! Will have pics once we get things settled a bit.

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