Our Journey

Our Journey

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Getting around to getting our house back to normal for the first time since coming home from the hospital with Lindy. Grandma left yesterday morning, and we were unsure of how things were going to go with 2 kids and me having to work yesterday afternoon. Cayle took a 3 hour nap, and everything else went smoothly for Natalie. By the end of the day yesterday, we had gotten most of our laundry put away, and all of Lindy's clothes organized and hung in the closet. Whew! This morning I finished sub plans (with Natalie's help) and went out to school to make copies. All done with that. Off all next week to be at home with my family! (HATE SUB PLANS!!!!)

The rest of today, Natalie has been super busy getting things ready to send out for birth announcements, baptismal preparations, and Cayle's birthday party invites, as well as spending good portions of time feeding and rocking our hungry daughter! She had gained 5oz. by the time of her first check-up earlier this week! She's eating and pooping like a rock star!

We are still trying to get back into the swing of things with a new baby. So easy to forget what it's all like. Trying to get used to sleeping in 3 hour spurts, but getting the routine down pretty good. Lindy starts crying, I get up to get her, give her to mommy along with the boppy and a burp rag so she can nurse, fall back asleep for 15 minutes, wake up to change her diaper, swaddle her, rock her a bit, and put her back to sleep, then fall back to sleep for another 3 hours. This happens every 3 hours ish... :-) Thankfully she's a good eater and a good sleeper! Makes things much easier!

 Grandma with her 2 grand kids!
 Cayle got a new dump truck and a puzzle from Grandma before she left! He loves them both! He had a great time with grandma!
Feels good to get back into some sort of a routine again. Hopefully we are feeling comfortable with things by the time we have more visitors!

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