Our Journey

Our Journey

Sunday, March 18, 2012


We are now down to 29 days until Baby B #2 arrives. And I'm starting to get anxious about all the "stuff". There is stuff to bring up from the crawl space, stuff in the house that has to be re-arranged or stored in the crawl space, and stuff I had wanted to get done before the baby arrives.

The more I think about it, the more I realize there is a ton of stuff in the crawl space that we need to set up: baby swing, pack 'n play, infant play mat, infant bath tub, breast pump, bottles...and I'm sure there's more! Where the heck are we going to put all this stuff?

Yesterday I went down to Glenwood with Jess to stop at Target and get things for Alana's baby shower that we are hosting next week. So as we were walking through all the baby aisles, I was struck with the reminder that o, we need this, and that, and that, and on it went! So I bought the things I knew we absolutely needed. And then I came home to put them away (bottle drop-ins, bottle brush, little things!) and quickly came to the realization that we don't have a dedicated space for these things! Which leads me back to the question of where the heck are we going to put all this stuff?

Then there's the stuff I want to do. The big things on my list? 1) clean windows and the sills (indoor only!), 2) touch-up the paint on the walls, 3) make casseroles to freeze (for use after the baby is born and Cathy leaves and Nick goes back to work), 4) get my hair cut (the week before the baby is born), and 5) get a pedicure (again, right before the baby is born). That's all I want done. Doesn't seem like too much to ask? I think probably #3 should become my priority. And then the next priorities are #4 and #5. And the others are probably not that big of a deal.

In between all of these things to do, I am trying to rest as much as possible and also give Cayle all of his deserved time and attention! He is getting so excited about the baby it seems! He is being very kind to mommy's baby and giving my belly lots of kisses. He is asking to sleep with the baby at night (instead of letting the baby sleep in the crib!). Currently, Cayle's favorite book is "Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for Baby?" He has me read that book to him at least one time a day :)

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