Our Journey

Our Journey

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I cried myself to sleep last night. Did I get some really bad news? No. Did Nick and I get in a fight? No. I simply read the articles I received yesterday about helping Cayle transition from being an only child to a sibling. Here's how it all went down...

A few months ago, I received a flier from Dr Kohn about services offered by the hospital. Among the services they offer are some educational classes: for soon-to-be new parents, refresher courses for those who have had already been through the birthing process, and a class for children who are about to become siblings. I didn't feel any of the birthing classes really applied to us since I'll be having a C-section. But I did inquire about the siblings class. I found out the class consisted of avisit to the hospital to meet the nurses, see a birthing room, watch a short video, have a tour of the maternity ward, that kind of thing. I figured Cayle would enjoy the hospital, and it made me feel better knowing he'd be comfortable coming to visit me in the hospital. So, the class was yesterday. We attended the class with our friends Justin and Melinda, who have a son Macklin (Cayle swims with him on Mondays at the rec center). Macklin is about 7 weeks older than Cayle. And Justin and Melinda's baby girl is due on April 8.

The class went well, and the boys seemed to do a pretty good job. Cayle did not wnt to wear his scrubs when he took the tour of the hopsital, but he certainly did enjoy the popsicle he received at the end of the tour! Both Cayle and Macklin paid special attention to the 2-day old baby they got to see! At the end of the class, the boys received stickers and coloring books. All the moms and dads received some articles to read over with helpful hints on making the transition from one child to two.
Macklin and Cayle not quite sure what to think about such a small baby!

The boys enjoying their post-sibling class popsicles!

Cayle sporting his stickers from Macklin...on his face, of course!

Last night, I decided I'd read the articles before I went to bed. Big mistake. There were two articles and I barely finished one. I appreciated the information about trying to understand where Cayle is coming from, how he is used to getting all of our attention - immediately! - when he wants it, how to incorporate him and allow him to "help" with the baby, and to remember to give Cayle plenty of one-on-one time with both mommy and daddy. I also read about keeping Cayle on a schedule and not forcing him to think the baby is "all that and a bag o' chips!"

The part that really upset me was the reality that is setting in that Cayle won't be the very center of my universe. For almost two years, my life has revolved around everything Cayle needs and wants. Nick and I have both made so many sacrifices for this little boy who deserves nothing but the very best from both of his parents. Now I'm starting to feel sad for him to have to share that attention. Obviously Cayle isn't the first little boy to have to share mom and dad's attention...but he's MY first little boy, and it breaks my heart because I am worried about him being sad or not getting the attention he needs. He has made being a mommy so easy because he is such a good boy - so happy and fun to be around! I am so excited for the next phase of our family to begin (only 36 more days!), but you can bet that I'm going to spend every moment I can in the next 5 weeks giving my little boy every bit of mommy's attention that I can :)

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