Our Journey

Our Journey

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Race Tomorrow and Lazy Doggy

Early this morning we were woken up by a deafening boom of thunder and lightning that sounded like it had just hit the house it was so loud. It takes a lot to wake me up and this definitely did the trick. Then it started hailing. We got hail, about 30 miles up the valley they got snow. Temps were in the low 40's overnight, and about mid 60's today. Perfect weather! Wore a sweatshirt all day and was perfectly comfortable. I felt like I was in heaven!

Tomorrow is my first road bicycle race since the 29th of June and last for this season. I am super pumped, yet really have no idea how I will fare. I am doing the cat 3 race which is 1 hour long. I am about 5-10 pounds above my ideal race weight, yet my power is good, and my legs feel good, and I have been training at a higher altitude than what Boulder is at, so that should be good for my lungs. I have a feeling that about half of the Cat 3 riders will be in peak shape and ready to upgrade, so that will make it tough, but I am just going to be aggressive and try my best and hope for a small break or some primes or something.

Who says that dogs don't watch T.V.???? Here is Rusty searching for Animal Planet............. and we wonder why he is a little chubby..... lazy doggy!

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