Our Journey

Our Journey

Friday, August 15, 2008


It's a tricky beast this term. Sometimes you are full of it, sometimes you have none of it. Sometimes when you have it, it just disappears, and sometimes when you have none, you just randomly get some and it can make you do crazy things, or have crazy thoughts. For most people motivation comes and goes on a regular basis. Some people have more than others, and some people have less than others, and in some special instances lots less than others with just random massive spurts of motivation.

Let me preface this post by first of all saying that I believe that I have a wonderful family, and each of my siblings brings something special to our family get togethers. I would not wish to change anything about any of them. That being said, my brother Robert Francis is one of those people that has less motivation than most, or so it would seem from most outsiders. You can check out his new blog titled LIFE AFTER GRADUATION On his first post he has listed 20 things that he hopes to accomplish in the next 10 years. I would never doubt his ability to make any of these things happen as he is an extremely talented and sometimes driven individual. The kind of person who will completely lack any and all motivation at one point for an extended amount of time, but then the next time you see him he will have ridden his mountain bike for 12 hours through drenching rain and unbelievably muddy conditions without any kind of previous training. The kind of person who will not be doing any kind of physical training (other than maybe playing pick-up volleyball or soccer games) and then go out and ride a bike for 50+ miles, or go run 10+ miles on a track, or decide that he wants to do 1,000 push-ups in a day, or break the world record for jumping on a pogo stick the longest.... Who knows why he does this to himself, but I believe that he just gets sudden bursts of motivation and feels as if he should do something extraordinary before that motivation disappears again. So of the things on his list of top 20 things to do in the next 10 years, I will not put any one of them past him, but at the same time would not be totally surprised if none of them have been done.

Robert if I may offer some advice....(because I have so much excellent advice to give...) 10 years is not that much time once you get a solid job and settle into the routine of life... post college graduation. Now is the time of your life where you are free to do as you wish. Please understand that doing this at least takes a little bit of money, but if you are wise with it you can get a lot of bang for your buck. Be proactive, seek out new jobs, new friends, new opportunities. I have no doubt that you may wake up one Monday morning and decide that you want to run a marathon the following weekend, and you will probably do it. But in the meantime take life day by day and try to find something that you enjoy doing.

In closing, which is better.... 1.) To be the person to which motivation comes and go's on a pretty steady basis, or 2.) To be the person who lacks motivation a lot of the time, but does great things when it comes around. I think the point could be debated and look forward to any comments on the subject. Unless you just have no clue what I am trying to say, then just ignore this whole thing. I am starting to get a little confused myself. So.......

I will now raise my glass of vino (a big bold cab) and toast to you completing all 20 or at least the majority of these goals that you have set for yourself in the next 10 years. GOOD LUCK and CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR COLLEGE GRADUATION!

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