Our Journey

Our Journey

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A New Beginning

August 14 is a day of new beginnings for many of my friends. They will go back to school and I won't be there. Maybe this is the day when the move becomes a reality - for both me and them??? I have so many memories of teaching with friends in Chatham. I started out there as a quiet, timid first-year teacher (seriously, I was that way at one time)...moving around on my cart from Sally's room, then Jennifer's and off to my "own" room in the afternoon. How many stories can we share about those first two years when we were a junior high??!! Then we moved to an older, non-air conditioned building and became a middle school. Somehow we were supposed to view this move and change as something special, but I think we were all smarter than that!

Lots of teachers came and went - some really interesting stories that I should touch upon - just for old time's sake and to give everyone a reason to smile :-)
  • Remember the girl who had her nipples pierced??? Yeah, she was a teacher who failed to wear a bra. The custodians liked her, but she didn't last long.
  • There was "hot Ben" who we spent a large amount of time drooling after...and when I say "we" I guess I mean "I."
  • Mentors who didn't "appreciate" their mentees...and vice-versa.
  • The lesbian outings Tina and I shared (they just assumed we were lesbians because we always shared appetizers!) at Cheddar's.
  • Tina's supervision of Sally and me at Nanci's teacher-to-administrator party :-)
  • The match-making sessions to get Marc and Tammi together. Needless to say, that wasn't much work.
  • Parent teacher conferences...need I say more? Let's say if I have to explain, you probably wouldn't be as amused as those "in the know."
  • Anthony's ability to dance during lunch for Red Ribbon Week.
  • The Wannabe's and their excellent performances.
  • Sally and I accompanying ill-prepared band students for solo and ensemble contest.
I could go on forever, but I'll just let those be conversation starters!

So many people started out as colleagues and grew in to much more. I'm not even going to attempt to list them all (mostly out of fear of forgetting one single name!), but if you're reading this blog, that pretty much says it right there. Work friends grew in to real, true best friends. I'm not sure you ever expect that when you start a job?? But those are the people who became my life - who were there through the good, the bad and the very ugly...and still claimed me as their friend. We didn't just say "hi" in passing in the hallway, or only see each other at lunch or simply discuss curriculum...we were are still are, full-blown, out-of-the-school-day friends. That's where all the other fun times come in to play...dinners and drinks at Xochi, movie nights, exercise times, Sneakers gang, state fair horse races, BWW, Cold Stone and walking around downtown, Wicked, Culver's after BWW (I certainly lost that bet), Mustang Sally's Vegas trip, White Trash party, flamingo tricks, spring break in St. Louis, our beautiful wedding...on and on it goes.

When I started in Chatham in the fall of 1999, I could never have foreseen all the travels that would take place in the next 9 years...professionally, personally and socially. From the bottom of my heart, I thank each person who made me who I am today, for sharing yourself and for being my friend. I am so grateful for the experiences we have shared. There will be so many stories to share this year! Even though we're not starting school on the same date and in the same building (or even state), I am with you all the way. I will be thinking of you all day as you go through your meetings and I pray for your success this year. Thank you for being my colleagues and, more importantly, my friends.

My Friend
You have given me courage
That was not there
You have given laughter
That I can share
You have given me feelings
That are deep and true
For that my friend
I will always love you

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