Our Journey

Our Journey

Friday, August 9, 2013

Selling the House

What a process this is!  We had about 15 showings before we found a buyer.  Not sure if that's a lot or not.  The folks that bought the house are from Leadville, and the lady works in Eagle.  They were in quite a situation, since they were selling their house in Leadville and closing before we could close on our house.  So, they moved in early.  We have a pre-possession agreement with them, outlining more than you could ever think possible or necessary for a 3-week rental.  So we left on July 31, and they moved in August 7. They paid us rent for the 3-weeks they are living there before closing (Aug 28), and aren't allowed to make any changes to the house until after closing.  Since the house was going to be empty for almost a month in between us moving and the house sale closing, this was a huge blessing to be able to get some rent from them - it helped make our budget work a little better on this end :)

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