Our Journey

Our Journey

Friday, June 29, 2012

Settling in to Summer

Although school has been out a while, we are just settling in to summer - aka "doing nothing."  Thursday, June 7 was records day for teachers, so Nick and I worked a half day, and came home to hang out with Cayle and Lindy.  About an hour later, we received the phone call that Grandpa was very sick.  We spent the rest of that day and the next morning packing things up and prepping for the long trip to Illinois.  We are so grateful we arrived in time to talk with grandpa and let him meet our little Lindy before he passed away.  Our trip home was fantastic and filled with so much fun time spent with our family and friends.  The kids did great and slept through most nights, they didn't lose it on the long drives, and they got to see so many family members!  But, all good things must come to an end, so our trip ended just as it began - with a long drive.  We left Illinois on Monday early afternoon and stopped at a holidome in Topeka that night.  We got up Tuesday morning feeling mostly rested and finished the drive home, arriving at our home sweet home about 6 pm MDT.  Since then, we've done a whole lot of nothing!  Nothing includes:
sleeping in, alarm clocks turned off
sitting in pajamas for long periods of time (all day is completely acceptable)
drinking pots of coffee
watching the Today show
watching the Olympic trials
going nowhere planned
exercising whenever we want
eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies
later bedtimes for Cayle
taking a trip up to Beaver Creek to see owls and ride a bus (a mommy and Cayle trip)
hitting up the Eagle Farmer's Market
spending time trolling the internet
watching Wimbledon
play baseball with Cayle in the backyard
watch Cyle swim at 8 am, and again at 9 am, and 10 am, and...

And the list could go on and on.  Mostly the point is there is no rhyme or reason to what we do or when we do it!  It's so much fun to hang out as a family.  The only concern I have is that we'll lose track of the days and forget to go to church on Sunday!    

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