Our Journey

Our Journey

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!


We had a fantastic turkey day complete with the best turkey I've ever had, and the best sweet potatoes I've ever had, all while hanging out with great friends!

Thanks to my lovely wife for the feast, and for being with me, and providing me with the best son ever! Thanks to mine and my wife's families for all your love and support! Thanks to all of our friends for hanging with us and helping us out when needed! Thanks to God for giving us this wonderful place to live, and all of the fantastic food to celebrate this wonderful day! We are so blessed to be able to live where we do and work where we do and enjoy the activities that we enjoy with our baby son!

This really is a holiday to be celebrated with family and friends around a good meal! The food is a means to bring everyone together for good camaraderie. THANKS ALL!

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