Our Journey

Our Journey

Friday, December 28, 2012

Staying Home :(

We were trying to sneak in a last-minute trip to IL to take care of a few things and see family during the break...but, that plan didn't go exactly as we thought.  Lindy has been pretty fussy as of late - spitting up a lot, waking in the middle of the night and throwing up, refusing to sleep for more than 2-3 hours at a time... 

The plan was to leave the cabin on Wednesday, go home and unpack and do laundry, then repack and head down to Denver to stay at Nick's cousin's house and catch an early-morning flight Thursday morning.  On the way, we stopped and got Lindy some gas drops and gripe water to try and help settle her stomach a bit.  Nick and I decided that if Lindy had a good night, we'd all head to Illinois.  If she had a bad night, I'd stay behind with her and take her to the dr while Nick and Cayle went on to Illinois.  Ends up Lindy slept from about 1130 pm til 3 am that night.  So, after I dropped Nick and Cayle off at the airport, Lindy and I headed back up in to the mountains.  Silly me - I didn't check the road conditions before leaving and I soon found myself driving through some of (if not the worst) conditions I've ever driven in - still dark (didn't get light out until after 7 am), snowy, icy conditions with new snow falling.  It took about 4 hours, but Lindy and I made it back from DIA.  My dad asked if I was getting braver or more stupid...not sure, but a few years ago I would never have done that drive!

I got Lindy in to see the dr yesterday afternoon.  The appointment was officially for her 9-month check-up so that insurance would cover it, but specifically I wanted to see what I could do to help her feel better and sleep better.  The dr decided Lindy has reflux (which is no shock based on the fact we thought she had pyloric stenosis when she was an infant and has been spitting up much more than I ever thought she should).  Lindy now has meds to take in the morning and before bed.  The dr said it could take up to two weeks for everything to kick in, but less than 24 hours after starting her meds, she's doing much better.

Lindy fell asleep by 7 last night and I didn't get her out of her crib until 8 this morning.  She did cry for over an hour last night, but I did not go in her room one time and she eventually put herself back to sleep.  I was able to get some much-needed rest, so even though I'm not spending some time with my boys and the family, I think it was a smart decision to stay back with little Lindy :)

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