Our Journey

Our Journey

Friday, December 28, 2012


11th flight was the one where things finally fell apart... There was one other time when he was less than a year old where he cried a whole flight, but it was Denver to Eagle, so wasn't really too bad, and he only cried about 15 minutes of the 25 minute flight. He was super excited about going on the big airplane today, super excited to ride the tram and the escalators at the airport, but when it came time to walk down the tunnel to the plane, the wheels fell off... Quickly went from, "Cayle don't want to go on airplane," to "Noooooooo airplane" while screaming his head off and limbs flailing everywhere. Meanwhile I am carrying him, coffee, breakfast, car seat, and a carry on bag...

Luckily there are many really nice people in this world and they started grabbing things from me. One woman took his car seat, one took my breakfast and coffee, so I could just focus on him.

Finally got him to his seat.... But not in the seat.... After a bit more screaming the flight attendant finally informed me that the plane couldn't depart the gate until he was strapped into his seat.... I had to physically hold him in place against his will, but finally got him in. Ready to go!

10 minutes later, "Cayle like airplanes daddy, but Cayle not like flying"

20 minutes later after waking from a 10 minute nap, "Cayle love flying daddy"

The part that really confuses me is that he refuses to have his window open, yet he spends the entire time looking out the window in front of him...

What did all this get me???

A spot next to one of the only empty seats on the plane... Go figure :-)


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