Our Journey

Our Journey

Monday, August 29, 2011

First day of Students and new schedule

School has begun. I am most excited to get into a new routine. On mondays we go swimming in the morning at the rec center. Cayle LOVED it! They have a little kiddie water slide that he was sliding down. We slid down it together a couple of times, it was a lot of fun. He went completely under 4-5 different times, and didn't really act like it was that big of deal. He is so much fun to hang out with! It was hard dropping him off at the sitters today, especially when he started screaming and trying to get out the door with me when I left... I look forward to our mornings together, packed with all the exciting activities, or just hanging out together. Tomorrow is library.

School went really well too. I had 2 health classes and media productions today. I think they are going to be a lot of fun! Love helping all the 6th graders on their first day at a new school, and seeing how much the 7th and 8th graders have grown/matured over the summer. It's nice to be back at school.

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