Our Journey

Our Journey

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Going Green.....

Air-Drying is Easier on your clothes.
Air-Drying can reduce wrinkles. - "TIDE Detergents"

You can save up to $150.00 a year by line drying. "www.idealbite.com"
After the fridge, the electric dryer uses the most electricity of all household appliances. "www.searchwarp.com"

I remember the days, had to be around the time I was in grade school I would have to help my mom hang the clothes out to dry on the line. Not for sure when that stopped, but I don't think the clothes lines behind the house have been used in a long time. Looking back on it, I actually have fond memories of the clothes blowing in the breeze and when it was time to hang the clothes and remove them from the lines, I remember having contests with myself to see how many clothes pins I could get on each ear, lips, nose, etc..... you get the point.

In the past two years we have been trying to do our part to protect the environment and save ourselves some money. We have been trying to ride our bikes to work and on errands when possible to save on gas money and reduce our dependency on oil. We have been using cloth grocery bags at the grocery store.... plastic bags are also made from oil. (In Colorado they take 5 cents per bag off your total bill) We have been trying to be careful with our energy usage by trying to keep lights and appliances turned off when not in use. Today we took another step in the direction of becoming more "green" by hanging our laundry out to dry on a clothes line. Yep. I said it a CLOTHES LINE. We did 3 loads of laundry today and all of them dried on the clothes line. I was amazed that when we went to get the clothes off the line, they were all wrinkle free. Seeing that we live in the mountains, our clothes also smelled "mountain fresh".... As our friend Sue said "some people pay extra for mountain scent detergent, you guys will get it for free!" How right you are Sue. Thank you for that bit of insight! :)


N.& N.

1 comment:

Z said...

Ah, the fresh scent of mountain air. . .I'm jealous, all I get when I hang out clothes are Japanese Beetles stuck to the clothes!

I enjoyed the pictures. . .expecially the close up of the wrinkles. . .only 8 more grading periods. See you soon. Z