Our Journey

Our Journey

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nothin' in Particular...

So it's only been like a month and a half since I blogged. Why the absence??? Hmmm, no good reasons really, or at least none that I would accept from my students, so prolly no need to drone on about them...but I will. First, we went on our Christmas break trip...2 weeks gone. Then things were busy when we got back (again, no excuse really and not sure what I accomplished in my computer sabattical). After that, I dropped the laptop, resulting in my having to mail it to Denver Best Buy, who proceeded to mail it on to someone else to fix it, only to find out it was a piece of junk and we would need to get a new one. By the time we made it in to Denver, got things set up...well, that's pretty much taking us out to February 11 :-)

So, I've been working on this snowboarding thing. It's going ok...I'm not the best but for sure not the worst, so that's positive! I got to take a free lesson (cuz teachers are special like that) and that sure helped a lot. Alana and I have visited the mountain a few times together, with Nick and Torrey being much more adventurous than we are! This past weekend I worked on a few things on the mountain, before deciding heading to the bottom for a New Belgium Trippel sounded like a good idea!

Coming up this weekend...Valentine's Dance at School on Friday. Maybe I can find a cute guy teacher to dance with??? lol Nick tells me the plans for Valentine's Day are to relax "Natalie style" (whatever that means???) and spend some time with the dogs before we head up valley. Nick has an interview for a mountain bike summer camp position and then we're going to dinner (unknown site - surprise!!!) at a place that's probably more for the rich and famous...not Nick and Natalie :-)

For those who hadn't heard, our next trip home will be in August! And we should be moving within a month or so :-)

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