Our Journey

Our Journey

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day of firsts...

So, reading the title of this post, you would most likely assume I was going to talk about firsts for Lindy Leighn... But not. Much new to report there. Still not walking much, still just 2 teeth, still healthy and happy.

FIRST donut! Cayle always gets a donut after swimming at the pool. Today Lindy Leighn got one as well. First one ever! Needless to say, she demolished it!

And Cayle as usual killed his as well. At some point he started just eating the icing off the top, then eating the rest of the donut. If you can't tell by the mess on his face, it was a chocolate covered donut...

He also rode his bike today with a water bottle on it for the first time. He loved it! He now stops to drink about every 2 minutes...


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