Our Journey

Our Journey

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Busy weekend!

This weekend was very busy, but productive! Friday night, Nick attended the GCMS staff holiday party while I stayed home with Cayle and his friend Carter. I was able to get Christmas cards done Friday night...yay!

Then on Saturday, I had math grant meetings from 8-4, while Nick had his league basketball championship tournament. The math meetings weren't overly exciting. But the tournament was! Nick's team entered the tournament with the third seed in the league. They took out the 6th seed, then the 2nd seed, and finally won the championship trophy by 4 points. Yay! The boys were pretty excited. Nick has his basketball party tomorrow after school, and then he'll be completely done with the season. Last night, we continued to work on wrapping presents, baking cookies, and making ornaments.

Today we finished everything up and are ready to start packing for our trip to IL later this week. Only five more days of school! That calls for a double yay!

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