Our Journey

Our Journey

Monday, December 26, 2011

Another good day

We have had tons of quality family time the last couple of days! Cayle is loving his bike and his basketball hoop! Mainly just his basketball hoop!!! He has spent HOURS!!! shooting baskets the last 2 days. It was 4 degrees when we woke up this morning, and when we went to the park to play at about 2pm it was 40 degrees and sunny. It was really nice out. Cayle and I played at the park for about 15 minutes, then I put him back in the Chariot and ran another 4.5 miles. Beautiful afternoon. When we got home he shot some more baskets, ate dinner, shot some more baskets, and then went to bed. Before he went to sleep he made us promise him that he could shoot basketballs in the morning.... It's kinda crazy really... One more day of hanging out around the house before we head down to the Springs to celebrate Christmas with Natalie's family.

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