Our Journey

Our Journey

Monday, September 13, 2010

Grandpa came to see me!

Prdon my spelling, but ths is the frst time I have done this! Usully my parents are the ones that rite these things. I was jst so xcited that grandpa came to sea me I couldnt wate for my daddy to wrtie on hear.This is my new track suit that I have for this fall. Im all redy for grandpas arrivil.

As soone as he gets hear, he plops down in daddys recliner to reed me a book that he picked up from the air port. Its a John Grisham kids book. It was written so that I coood understand wat was goin on. I liked listening too him reed.

After reeding time, it was time to play aero plane. This is one of my favorit games! I lay on my bewy, and daddy and granpa lift me into the air so that I can fli! This gam almost always make me lauf and giggle!
After the aero plane game, it was tim for a rid in my strower. This is one of my favorit things to do! I slept in here for 4 ours while granpa pooshed me all over Gypsum town. He tucked me in nice and worm, and I was out like a lite.... :)
Granpa and I have schedules tha are awike. I sweep, eat, pway... sweep, eat, pway....sweep, eat, pway.... Granpa sweeps, eats, plays, eats, sweeps.....eats, pways, eats again, and sweeps. He just eats one more tim than I does. So here I am pwaying for a bit after my strower ride around Gyspum! I was a happy boy!
Ovrall, it was nice to see granpa! I had a goode tim hangin out wit him. Now xcuse me, sinc i am done pwaying it tim to go to sleepy! Night, Nite!

-Cayle Bale


Drama Queen 29.6 said...

Awesome! Very cute photos! Funny and cute to hear what Cayle was thinking!

Melinda Brandt said...

Your grandpa looks like your daddy, Cayle! Very good writing skills you have!