Our Journey

Our Journey

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Waiting, waiting, waiting....

I awoke in a foggy haze at about 1:30 this morning to Natalie kicking me in the leg telling me that she was having hard constant contractions. So being the ever vigilant husband, I suggested we start timing them.... actually she suggested that.... and I while drifting in and out of sleep with 2 cell phones on my chest, one with a clock and one with a stopwatch, took times and length of each contraction. About 330 they were becoming more intense, and had consistently been 3-5 minutes apart for a while. Natalie called the hospital and they suggested we get on our horse and head that way. Driving to the hospital it became pretty clear that Natalie was going into labor, judging from the painful look on her face caused by the contractions. We checked in at about 5, and at 730 the on call Dr. came in to check on her. Took a look at the contractions and the pain, and decided to break the water. BABY IS COMING! Today would be the day that the Baby comes to play! As of this time, she is on the epidural, and we are just waiting for full dilation. Baby should be here sometime this evening...

1 comment:

AmandaH said...

Awesome guys! You're in our prayers.

Amanda Huston