Our Journey

Our Journey

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day #7

Got my 7th day on the mountain yesterday. After doing saturday school, I headed up to the Beav. It was snowing when I got up there. YES! We needed snow. I had a new board from a friend, that is just letting me use it. It was phenomenal! I haven't waxed or sharpened the edges on my board since I got it about.... well sometime in high school. So a long time. It was amazing, I was able to carve some amazing turns, and it just felt smooth and fast! Gotta get a wax job on my board. It was also nice to get some fresh snow! The sun even came out for a bit. The mountain was freakin packed, as were all the parking lots. I headed over to Arrowhead and did not have to wait in line once. In fact, I only had to share a lift twice in about a 3 hour period of time. Sweet!

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