Our Journey

Our Journey

Friday, February 8, 2013

This little girl...

1) got her first tooth on Thursday, February 7 at the ripe old age of 9 months, 3 weeks. You can't see the tooth (even though she's smiling) because it has barely, barely come through. But it's through!
2) has been sick for over a week now. Last Friday, I called the dr since her cough sounded like croup. They said as long as she wasn't gasping for breath, she just needed rest, steam baths, and a humidifier. Tuesday night I ended up taking her to the dr since she was wheezing a bit and not seeming to get better. Dr said she had an ear infection. Nick took her back in yesterday since she still wasn't getting any better and they gave her a steroid treatment and diagnosed her with RSV. So, we will have a second weekend in a row of lots of quiet time and rest around our house. Hopefully we will have a healthy start to next week!

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