Our Journey

Our Journey

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Swim Time

Great routine today. Ran to the rec center at about 8 to swim with Cayle, just over a mile. Swam/played in the water for 45 minutes (which was his longest time to date, and just the right amount of time, as his lips were starting to turn blue.) Got changed and back in the Chariot for a run to the Post Office to mail some things to some people.... After the post office we walked to the grocery store which is across the street for some donuts! Donuts are a part of our pool morning routine!!! Cayle ate his donut and fell asleep during the run back home. Nap in the Chariot in the garage. The pool sure does where him out! Cayle did a better job of interacting with Macklin today. He likes being around other kids, but doesn't really play with them much yet, at least today he was taking the ball from Macklin when Mack offered. Macklin and Melinda go to the pool with us in the mornings.

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