Our Journey

Our Journey

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chariot Graduation

We've been talking about it for a couple of weeks now. Tonight, Cayle finally graduated from his infant sling. The infant sling is a hammock like swing that gave him a smoother ride, and was great for him to sleep in, but restricted him from looking out the side windows. Instead of sitting and looking out, he was more laying down and looking up and forward. At about 10 mos. or about 22 lbs they say they are fine to ride inside the Chariot sitting up (or when they can hold their head up if you hit a pothole.) We decided Cayle was ready to sit in the Chariot like a big boy, so he could look out the windows while we ride or walk with him. Tonight we walked to the library with Rusty to pick up a couple of books. He loved being able to watch Rusty out the window, and was talking to him while we were walking. Just another step toward growing up.

As you can see from the pictures, he enjoyed all his time snoozin in the sling under the warmth of the bunting bag!

1 comment:

Melinda Brandt said...

Holy smokes!!! Macklin graduate TODAY too! Man...these guys were meant to be friends!