Our Journey

Our Journey

Friday, November 23, 2012

Future ______________???

While we've been at grandma and grandpa's gym, Cayle has had plenty of time to start learning some of the important things in life...like how to hit a tennis ball.  Uncle Reo worked with him a bit last Sunday, and Cayle and I have been practicing every day.  Tonight, Cayle had his first chance to try out pickle ball.  So, if he keeps working at it, maybe he can be a professional tennis player?  Or ping pong (table tennis for those who think the "sport" is real...)?  Or (does this even exist???) pickle ball?

And if those things don't work out, maybe a professional rock climber??

But actually, he asked to ride "his" bike (which we really borrowed from the neighbor boy who wasn't riding his since Cayle can't go a week without his bike...) every day of our vacation, so maybe he'll be a professional cyclist???

Then again, he has been telling us he is ready to go back to Colorado so he can play basketball...

Maybe it's too early to tell what he'll be? 

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