Natalie and I have both been waiting for that time when Cayle is so tired that he just falls asleep on the floor in the middle of playing. That hasn't quite happened yet, but he did fall asleep during lunch. Last time I looked at him before he fell asleep, he was eating his applesauce and grilled cheese. I was vacuuming the house. The next time I looked at him, he was out. He skipped his morning nap, and I could tell he was tired, but I didn't know he was that tired. I picked him up, carried him next door, and he went straight to sleep at the sitters. Must have been tired. Natalie's mom suggested it may have been because the food was that boring... :-)
Our Journey
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tired little boy!!!
Natalie and I have both been waiting for that time when Cayle is so tired that he just falls asleep on the floor in the middle of playing. That hasn't quite happened yet, but he did fall asleep during lunch. Last time I looked at him before he fell asleep, he was eating his applesauce and grilled cheese. I was vacuuming the house. The next time I looked at him, he was out. He skipped his morning nap, and I could tell he was tired, but I didn't know he was that tired. I picked him up, carried him next door, and he went straight to sleep at the sitters. Must have been tired. Natalie's mom suggested it may have been because the food was that boring... :-)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Swim Time
Great routine today. Ran to the rec center at about 8 to swim with Cayle, just over a mile. Swam/played in the water for 45 minutes (which was his longest time to date, and just the right amount of time, as his lips were starting to turn blue.) Got changed and back in the Chariot for a run to the Post Office to mail some things to some people.... After the post office we walked to the grocery store which is across the street for some donuts! Donuts are a part of our pool morning routine!!! Cayle ate his donut and fell asleep during the run back home. Nap in the Chariot in the garage. The pool sure does where him out! Cayle did a better job of interacting with Macklin today. He likes being around other kids, but doesn't really play with them much yet, at least today he was taking the ball from Macklin when Mack offered. Macklin and Melinda go to the pool with us in the mornings.
post office
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Go RedBirds!!!

Everyone (myself included) thought the Stl Cardinals were done a month ago! Not so much anymore, although they could have helped themselves greatly by winning a couple of their last games. Looks like they have the win tonight to tie the Braves, so whatever happens tomorrow, at least they made an interesting season out of it! Never know what may happen if they make the playoffs. Reminds me of 2006 when they just snuck in.... and thanks to the Detroit Tigers, we all know what happened that year!
Go Cardinals!!!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Making changes to rooms in the house. We moved all Cayle's play things out of the living room and into the loft. Now he has the entire loft as his play area. We ended up buying a little floor for him to roll cars on. He loves it so far! And we love not having toys all over the living room floor!
Reading with mommy before bed tonight. He LOVES to read!!!
This is the bed we got yesterday for him off of Craigslist from someone in Eagle. He loved it! He was crawling all over it, up and down, sitting, laying, it was like he got a new toy! However still sleeping in the crib for a little bit yet.

He was laying on the bed dropping little lotion bottles down along the wall, and then going around to the side of the bed to look under and pick them up.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Bargain Hunting!!
Man!!! We (Natalie) found the bargains today! The day started out looking for a toddler bed. We finally found one that we liked that we were going to order from WalMart. Natalie's sister suggested Craigslist, which we have checked before, but found nothing. This time however was a little different. I have been browsing Craigslist and the local ads for several months now looking for a double Chariot Cougar, or someone that may want to trade a double for a single. The cheapest you can find for a double is usually around $500.00-$600.00. Which is why when Natalie said she found one in Georgetown for $300.00, I had to jump on it. It was a 2008, but in great condition! The lady I contacted said if I wanted to come pick it up, she would be in Dillon for the day, so I ended up driving to Dillon to pick up this Chariot Cougar 2. It also came with the stroller wheels, jogging wheel, and bicycle attachment and an extra hitch. This was a steal! The hitch and extra attachments costs $20-$80 new depending on which ones you buy, and the Chariot could easily have gone for double the cost, since it's in such great shape! Great find #1!!!

You can see the obvious size difference in the frame width, and the jogging wheel width. May take some getting used to in the spring/summer when we are ready to begin using it...

Great find #2 was this Toddler bed which was also on Craigslist, however this one was located in Eagle. So we went to check it out. It looks exactly like the one below. It's even white, which is what we wanted. Got the bed and mattress for 30 bucks (Would have been no less than $100.00 new from the store!) Cayle will be ready to move into a big boy bed soon! He already started sitting on the potty yesterday! We bought a little toilet seat that he sits on. He sits on it and laughs and gives me high fives! Nothing else yet... may be a while, but he has been consistent in the mornings, so we'll see I guess....
You can see the obvious size difference in the frame width, and the jogging wheel width. May take some getting used to in the spring/summer when we are ready to begin using it...
Great find #2 was this Toddler bed which was also on Craigslist, however this one was located in Eagle. So we went to check it out. It looks exactly like the one below. It's even white, which is what we wanted. Got the bed and mattress for 30 bucks (Would have been no less than $100.00 new from the store!) Cayle will be ready to move into a big boy bed soon! He already started sitting on the potty yesterday! We bought a little toilet seat that he sits on. He sits on it and laughs and gives me high fives! Nothing else yet... may be a while, but he has been consistent in the mornings, so we'll see I guess....
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Independence Pass
Today we took our annual drive to Independence Pass to see the fall colors. This is one week later than we had gone last year, and I'm pretty sure the colors will still be great next weekend. Clearly the warm fall temperatures we've had have affected the typical color-change schedule!

the three of us at the top of Independence Pass
Nick's mom's first time at the top of Independence Pass
Cayle's dirty face after our picnic lunch

We left for the drive about 915 am and arrived home about 5 pm. We took a different route today than usual and went through Minturn, down to Leadville, up and down the pass, through Aspen, up to Glenwood Springs, and finally back to Gypsum (instead of our usual opposite direction). The drive was peaceful and scenic. We enjoyed a picnic lunch of cheese and crackers, fresh fruit, and sesame pasta salad at the remains of the old mining town of Independence. We stopped in Glenwood to get some ice cream and run by Target to get Cayle a potty. We've noticed a pattern in some of his potty habits and are going to start a small attempt at seeing if Cayle is interested in using his own potty. We also got Cayle a new floor for his new play area in the house - a bunch of alphabet tiles that fit together like a puzzle. He loved playing on his new floor tonight with his cars that can finally roll on the flooring and not get stuck on the carpet!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wonderful Day!!!
What an awesome day! This morning after Cayle finished breakfast we headed over to Yeti's Grind in Eagle for some scones and coffee. After coffee, I headed out for a mountain bike ride. Up Tick Alley and down Abrams Ridge then back to the house to get ready for school. Great weather, awesome ride! After school we (mom) took Natalie, Cayle, and I to the Dusty Boot for dinner for Natalie's birthday. Cayle loves playing on the outdoor play/patio area at Das Booten Garten. After the Boot it was time for Frosty's at Wendy's. Then home for some couch and tv time. Great day all around. Up tomorrow is time for our annual fall drive over to Aspen and Independence pass to see the Aspen trees changing colors.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Digging potatoes with Cayle
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Grandma is here!

Sunday, September 18, 2011
Devils Dash 5K
Overall | Bib | Name | Age | Team | Division | Time | |||
1. | 169 | Ted Boddy | 29 | Unattached | 1. | Men 20-29 | 19:38.5 | ||
2. | 128 | Nicholas Fickling | 61 | Unattached | 1. | Men 60-99 | 20:28.4 | ||
3. | 132 | Hannes Spaeh | 51 | Unattached | 1. | Men 50-59 | 20:32.9 | ||
4. | 186 | Nicholas Brummer | 30 | Unattached | 1. | Men 30-39 | 20:45.9 | ||
5. | 144 | Ty Willoughby | 12 | Unattached | 1. | Men 1-19 | 20:50.9 |
Friday, September 16, 2011
Switching Disciplines
Tomorrow I will enter my first running race since the 2007 Jingle Bell Run in Springfield, IL. That was my first race since high school, and I just entered for fun w/out running or really even being in very good shape. My results from that run here. I ran a 23:25. I hope to be closer to 21:00 tomorrow. It is a x-country course on the fairways of the Gypsum Creek Golf Course. It should be fun! Starts at 9am, it's going to be chilly!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Great Grandma

Great grandma Pruemer had come out a while back with Cheryl and Tony, Jodi's parents, and we went out to the DAM Brewery in Dillon for dinner, and were able to grab a picture after of all of us. Turned out pretty fantastic!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Dr. Phil
Just watched 2 episodes of the Dr. Phil show interviewing Casey Anthony's parents. Wow is all I can say. Mom is in complete denial. I am just struggling to understand how anyone can defend Casey when she has lied about everything... May not sleep tonight, it's all very dark and depressing!
On a MUCH lighter note, Cayle came to school with us this morning for pictures. While waiting, he was just strolling around school with the big kids, not a care in the world. For sure not scared of anything or anyone. He was just walking in classrooms like he belonged there. We got his picture taken by the photographers as well. He took some fantastically awesome pictures! He had on a blue shirt that hopefully brought out the blue in his eyes. Pics when we get them hopefully.
On a MUCH lighter note, Cayle came to school with us this morning for pictures. While waiting, he was just strolling around school with the big kids, not a care in the world. For sure not scared of anything or anyone. He was just walking in classrooms like he belonged there. We got his picture taken by the photographers as well. He took some fantastically awesome pictures! He had on a blue shirt that hopefully brought out the blue in his eyes. Pics when we get them hopefully.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Swimming and Library
Monday we went swimming at the rec center, and Cayle's buddy Macklin and Melinda joined us. Cayle loved playing with Mack and sliding on the water slide. Cayle usually lasts about 25 minutes, but yesterday he wanted to play extra. I pretty much had to drag him out of the pool at nine when they close. It was nice for him to have someone to play with.
Today we went to the library again. I got several compliments on how cute and well behaved Cayle is. He loves reading time at the library. Next week he is going to take Grandma along with him, then to play at the park afterward.
Today we went to the library again. I got several compliments on how cute and well behaved Cayle is. He loves reading time at the library. Next week he is going to take Grandma along with him, then to play at the park afterward.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I don't remember...
Most of what happened yesterday, or the previous day, or a week ago, but I remember exactly what I was doing when the planes hit the twin towers! I can't believe it was 10 years ago already! I was laying in bed sleeping in college, and the tv was on, and I opened my eyes just after the first plane hit, and thought I was having a bad dream, so tried to go back to sleep. I then reopened my eyes just in time to watch the 2nd plane hit, and from then on was glued to the tv. I am not for sure on the all the details after that, but I think classes were cancelled that day, but I went to the building where my classes were, and there weren't many people around, but the few that were, were in disbelief/shock. It was all very surreal! I thought the memorial services this morning were very nice. Very well done!
It was a beautiful morning in Eagle, CO form an outdoor mass for the celebration of St. Mary. Our church always has outdoor mass on the weekend of the feast of St. Mary. We sat on a blanket on the grass in the back, and Cayle was walking around the whole time. It was so nice with the warm sun shining down on us! Didn't do much else today except for playing with Play-doh with Cayle for a while this afternoon. That was his first time, he really seemed to enjoy it. May have to get a play-doh kit soon. Have to teach him not to eat it first... :)
It was a beautiful morning in Eagle, CO form an outdoor mass for the celebration of St. Mary. Our church always has outdoor mass on the weekend of the feast of St. Mary. We sat on a blanket on the grass in the back, and Cayle was walking around the whole time. It was so nice with the warm sun shining down on us! Didn't do much else today except for playing with Play-doh with Cayle for a while this afternoon. That was his first time, he really seemed to enjoy it. May have to get a play-doh kit soon. Have to teach him not to eat it first... :)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
So big soccer player
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Monday trade for Wednesday
I usually take Cayle to the pool on Monday mornings, however the pool was closed this monday morning. So we switched to Wednesday. I put him in the Chariot, and we ran to the rec center, swam for 25 minutes, until he got cold... He LOVES the water!!! then ran to the post office to get mail, grocery store for milk and donuts, and then back home.
Here is a really good story about what Teachers want to tell Parents. I couldn't have written it better myself. It's a really good read, and all of those things have probably happened to most teachers. I know for sure they have happened to myself and Natalie! Probably the best piece of advice is, don't argue/disrespect/disagree with the teacher in front of the student. It never turns out good for the student in the long run. They come back to school the next day and treat the teacher the same way their parents did most of the time, then parents wonder why their kid gets in trouble. If you disagree with a teacher, do it in a private setting.
Here is a really good story about what Teachers want to tell Parents. I couldn't have written it better myself. It's a really good read, and all of those things have probably happened to most teachers. I know for sure they have happened to myself and Natalie! Probably the best piece of advice is, don't argue/disrespect/disagree with the teacher in front of the student. It never turns out good for the student in the long run. They come back to school the next day and treat the teacher the same way their parents did most of the time, then parents wonder why their kid gets in trouble. If you disagree with a teacher, do it in a private setting.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
300 days
That's how many days of sunshine we average annually. Not today! It was cloudy and a slow drizzly rain all day. Although I know it's not true, thankfully, it sure felt like winter! It wasn't much over 50 degrees all day. Felt like a cool fall day. I did get out for a nice run in it with Cayle though before reading time at the library. Heard some rumblings that there was snow up in the high parts not far from us.... It's coming eventually, but I will enjoy another couple months of cool fall weather first.
Gypsum, CO (81637)
Save This Location
Looking like more of the same the next couple of days.... The water will be good for the veggies still finishing up in the garden at least!
Gypsum, CO (81637) Weather
Save This Location Updated: Sep 6, 2011, 8:45pm MDT
Right Now | Next 36 Hours |
Looking like more of the same the next couple of days.... The water will be good for the veggies still finishing up in the garden at least!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Night Ride
Sunday night we went out for a great mountain bike ride. Me, Jeff and James (8th math and 7th social studies.) Went up pipeline, which is one of my favorite trails. Did the Wolverton Springs loop, and headed back down. It was Jeff's first night ride! It was awesome! We left the 3rd gulch parking lot about 730, and had to turn the lights on at just after 8, and used them the rest of the ride. Perfect night, great company, awesome ride! So much fun riding at night with lights!

Sunday, September 4, 2011
a long weekend!
The first week of school was insanely busy...classes with kids, athletic practices starting, open house night, Cayle and Nick starting a new schedule, an important dr appt, and a visit from Ronnie, Michelle, Ethan, and Lexi! Whew!
School is going pretty good with the new principal. Things are running smoothly with my new position as a mentor. Volleyball and football practices have gotten off to a good start. Nick and I are both enjoying our classes. The start of a new year is always exciting but soooo busy!
Cayle is doing really good with his new babysitter. She lives next door to us (her name is Y'vonne) and she has a daughter who is 14 months old (Zoe). Nick drops Cayle off about 1145 each morning. Cayle apparently cries the entire time until Nick gets in the car and drives away out of sight - then he's fine. Cayle sleeps from about 1-4 while he's at Y'vonne's house, so he doesn't take much looking after it seems!
On Wednesday, Nick, Cayle, and I had an appointment with Dr. Kohn. She confirmed Baby B version 2.0 will be here sometime mid-April :) We go back to see her in a few weeks for her to confirm the due date and set the c-section date. Right now it's looking like the baby is due April 16 and the c-section would be scheduled for April 9. More news to come...
Ronnie, Michelle, Ethan, and Lexi made their first trip out to the mountains this weekend. Everyone had a great time! The boys spent lots of time playing outside in the yard, and we all went for a drive and hike up to Sylvan lake on Saturday.
Today we went to church, then came home and put Cayle down for a nap. Nick and I had homemade salsa and played a board game out on the back deck. We got caught up on some schoolwork while Cayle took his afternoon nap. After a yummy squash dinner, Nick headed out for a night ride on his mountain bike with Jeff and James.
Tomorrow? We have two cookouts and I plan to get plenty of rest to start the shortened week off on the right foot.
School is going pretty good with the new principal. Things are running smoothly with my new position as a mentor. Volleyball and football practices have gotten off to a good start. Nick and I are both enjoying our classes. The start of a new year is always exciting but soooo busy!
Cayle is doing really good with his new babysitter. She lives next door to us (her name is Y'vonne) and she has a daughter who is 14 months old (Zoe). Nick drops Cayle off about 1145 each morning. Cayle apparently cries the entire time until Nick gets in the car and drives away out of sight - then he's fine. Cayle sleeps from about 1-4 while he's at Y'vonne's house, so he doesn't take much looking after it seems!
On Wednesday, Nick, Cayle, and I had an appointment with Dr. Kohn. She confirmed Baby B version 2.0 will be here sometime mid-April :) We go back to see her in a few weeks for her to confirm the due date and set the c-section date. Right now it's looking like the baby is due April 16 and the c-section would be scheduled for April 9. More news to come...
Ronnie, Michelle, Ethan, and Lexi made their first trip out to the mountains this weekend. Everyone had a great time! The boys spent lots of time playing outside in the yard, and we all went for a drive and hike up to Sylvan lake on Saturday.
Tomorrow? We have two cookouts and I plan to get plenty of rest to start the shortened week off on the right foot.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Thank You!!!!
I have to say... I am looking forward to going to school tomorrow! I am so excited to go to school and teach health/nutrition, media productions, and debate! I am so pumped! I can't remember the last time I have been this excited to go work with the students! I love my new job, and love my life SO much right now. I get to hang out at home with my baby boy for the first half of each day, then go to school and teach subjects that I love teaching, and are tons of fun!!! My time in the mornings with Cayle is so precious to me, and we have so much fun, it's just a bonus that when I have to drop him off at the sitter, I get to go to school and teach subjects that are super fun and interesting!!!!!
How have I gotten so lucky??? I really owe it all to my fantastic best friend in the whole world... my wife! Thank you so much Natalie for working harder and taking on more responsibility (teacher, mentor, and athletic director) to help support our family so that I can live my dream of being a stay at home dad, and only working part time teaching classes that are so much fun to teach.
To the mother of our amazing son and to my lovely bride of 3 years 3 months and 4 days. THANK YOU! I am so appreciative of this opportunity!
How have I gotten so lucky??? I really owe it all to my fantastic best friend in the whole world... my wife! Thank you so much Natalie for working harder and taking on more responsibility (teacher, mentor, and athletic director) to help support our family so that I can live my dream of being a stay at home dad, and only working part time teaching classes that are so much fun to teach.
To the mother of our amazing son and to my lovely bride of 3 years 3 months and 4 days. THANK YOU! I am so appreciative of this opportunity!
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