Our Journey

Our Journey

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I don't remember...

Most of what happened yesterday, or the previous day, or a week ago, but I remember exactly what I was doing when the planes hit the twin towers! I can't believe it was 10 years ago already! I was laying in bed sleeping in college, and the tv was on, and I opened my eyes just after the first plane hit, and thought I was having a bad dream, so tried to go back to sleep. I then reopened my eyes just in time to watch the 2nd plane hit, and from then on was glued to the tv. I am not for sure on the all the details after that, but I think classes were cancelled that day, but I went to the building where my classes were, and there weren't many people around, but the few that were, were in disbelief/shock. It was all very surreal! I thought the memorial services this morning were very nice. Very well done!

It was a beautiful morning in Eagle, CO form an outdoor mass for the celebration of St. Mary. Our church always has outdoor mass on the weekend of the feast of St. Mary. We sat on a blanket on the grass in the back, and Cayle was walking around the whole time. It was so nice with the warm sun shining down on us! Didn't do much else today except for playing with Play-doh with Cayle for a while this afternoon. That was his first time, he really seemed to enjoy it. May have to get a play-doh kit soon. Have to teach him not to eat it first... :)

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