Our Journey

Our Journey

Monday, September 26, 2011


Making changes to rooms in the house. We moved all Cayle's play things out of the living room and into the loft. Now he has the entire loft as his play area. We ended up buying a little floor for him to roll cars on. He loves it so far! And we love not having toys all over the living room floor!
Reading with mommy before bed tonight. He LOVES to read!!!
This is the bed we got yesterday for him off of Craigslist from someone in Eagle. He loved it! He was crawling all over it, up and down, sitting, laying, it was like he got a new toy! However still sleeping in the crib for a little bit yet.
He was laying on the bed dropping little lotion bottles down along the wall, and then going around to the side of the bed to look under and pick them up.

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