Our Journey

Our Journey

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bargain Hunting!!

Man!!! We (Natalie) found the bargains today! The day started out looking for a toddler bed. We finally found one that we liked that we were going to order from WalMart. Natalie's sister suggested Craigslist, which we have checked before, but found nothing. This time however was a little different. I have been browsing Craigslist and the local ads for several months now looking for a double Chariot Cougar, or someone that may want to trade a double for a single. The cheapest you can find for a double is usually around $500.00-$600.00. Which is why when Natalie said she found one in Georgetown for $300.00, I had to jump on it. It was a 2008, but in great condition! The lady I contacted said if I wanted to come pick it up, she would be in Dillon for the day, so I ended up driving to Dillon to pick up this Chariot Cougar 2. It also came with the stroller wheels, jogging wheel, and bicycle attachment and an extra hitch. This was a steal! The hitch and extra attachments costs $20-$80 new depending on which ones you buy, and the Chariot could easily have gone for double the cost, since it's in such great shape! Great find #1!!!

You can see the obvious size difference in the frame width, and the jogging wheel width. May take some getting used to in the spring/summer when we are ready to begin using it...

Great find #2 was this Toddler bed which was also on Craigslist, however this one was located in Eagle. So we went to check it out. It looks exactly like the one below. It's even white, which is what we wanted. Got the bed and mattress for 30 bucks (Would have been no less than $100.00 new from the store!) Cayle will be ready to move into a big boy bed soon! He already started sitting on the potty yesterday! We bought a little toilet seat that he sits on. He sits on it and laughs and gives me high fives! Nothing else yet... may be a while, but he has been consistent in the mornings, so we'll see I guess....

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