Our Journey

Our Journey

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Monday trade for Wednesday

I usually take Cayle to the pool on Monday mornings, however the pool was closed this monday morning. So we switched to Wednesday. I put him in the Chariot, and we ran to the rec center, swam for 25 minutes, until he got cold... He LOVES the water!!! then ran to the post office to get mail, grocery store for milk and donuts, and then back home.

Here is a really good story about what Teachers want to tell Parents. I couldn't have written it better myself. It's a really good read, and all of those things have probably happened to most teachers. I know for sure they have happened to myself and Natalie! Probably the best piece of advice is, don't argue/disrespect/disagree with the teacher in front of the student. It never turns out good for the student in the long run. They come back to school the next day and treat the teacher the same way their parents did most of the time, then parents wonder why their kid gets in trouble. If you disagree with a teacher, do it in a private setting.

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