Obviously, not much time management is learned in college, or not by me anyway... I went to class (most days) did most of my homework, and worked 10-15 hours a week at Jimmy Johns. Despite all this, and this is why college life is so great, I rarely had to manage my time wisely in order to get what I wanted. I still had TONS of time to sleep, party, workout, play video games, play intramurals, and lay on the couch.
Fast forward to today... The ability to manage my time wisely to get what I want, and still help my family function properly is my greatest challenge. Now time management has much greater implications on my daily routines. If I manage my time wisely, I usually am able to work out with Cayle in the mornings before school. Go for a run or a bike ride, or x-country skiing, or something of the sort for an hour or so. If I don't manage my time wisely, the physical activity is the first thing that gets lost in favor of the daily chores. If I manage my time wisely, I easily have plenty of time to get things done, and still have time for myself.
Basically I think it comes down to motivation as I wrote about in an earlier post. If I really want something on any given day, I am more likely to get the chores done, if I don't really care, then things don't get done as quickly.
I am trying to be more like my wife in this aspect. As far as chores and professional responsibilities go, she is one of the best time managers I know. :-) She is a good role model for me!
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