Natalie had her ultrasound yesterday, and we found out that she really was pregnant! Despite her not feeling pregnant at all. She had been thinking for a couple weeks now how weird it was that she never felt the baby move. Well, we found out why. The baby is laying in the transverse plane... laying horizontal across her belly with the placenta facing her belly button. In which case the placenta absorbs all the movement and she feels nothing. We found out though on the ultrasound that the baby is moving bunches! The ultrasound tech let us know that the baby has everything he/she needs and looks to be healthy! So exciting to see, and Cayle actually seemed interested and kept saying, "mommy, baby, mommy, baby, daddy, mommy, baby..."
Got down to CO Springs yesterday to spend the holiday with Natalie's brother and his family. Spent the day hanging out and planning for the big day. Today Natalie spent the morning slaving away in the kitchen to prepare our awesome meal with the help of her little brother Ronald. It all turned out fantastic. Had all the staples plus some... green bean casserole, jello, turkey, stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, wine, gravy, cookies, and pie... apple and pumpkin! Spent a bit of time outside this afternoon, and laying on the couch and watching football and drifting in and out of sleep.... :-) Very filling and relaxing!
Cayle is loving it here! There are so many toys to play with! He really just loves the basketball hoop though! He has shot hundreds of baskets today... he just focuses in and doesn't stop... it's kinda freaky really how focused he is on making baskets... Reminds me of his uncle Bob with his ability to focus on one thing until he has it mastered. Definitely doesn't get that from me... Thinking Santa may have to bring him a basketball hoop...
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