As we were driving home from the airport last night, I was already thinking ahead to what I would write on the blog. The first thing that came to mind was just a big ol' "man, that was fun and I am so lucky." What a fun time we had in Vegas! Thank you to everyone who made it so much fun. I'm thankful for the safe travel, the relaxing times by the pool, the good conversation with friends, the "exercise" dancing the night away at the piano bar, the new things I learned about Hoover Dam...I could go on and on...and I think I will. It was so nice to meet such friendly people in Perry, Emily, Greg, Susan and Kathy. Although they were new to our group, they fit right in and were so much fun! Melissa & Jennifer, I appreciate you for your independent spirits...and man girls, you both look good! Kyle, thank you for coordinating the Dam trip (mom do you see the Dam word???) and for driving us even if we were a bit annoying as passengers. Sue, thanks for being fun and I look forward to your retirement trip to Hawaii :-) Marc, thank you for being my big brother and I can't wait until we go to Wrigleyville for the World Series. Tammi, thank you for being the person we were all jealous of with your big winnings! Meghan, thanks for all of your witty comments...they are never-ending! Darren, thank you for entertaining us with your administrative education...it was so good you could join us! Tina, thanks for being you and being crazy! Kira, thanks for being as type-A and driven as I am...it really helped on the scavenger hunt. Paul, thank you for being such a good dancer and teaching Nick all of your moves. Ron, thank you for dinner and your wealth of information about Vegas. Sally, thank you for being the guest of honor...I can only hope you had half as much fun as I did! Nicky, thanks for being my friend and husband and for having such a good time living life. All of you...Thank you for being my friends. It was hard saying good-bye yesterday, but I know I will see you again...soon :-)
P.S. I have lots of funny pictures and videos that I"ll get emailed and snail-mailed ASAP!
I plan on joining you and Marc in Wrigleyville for some World Series action!!! Can't wait to see you in October.
Had a great time in Vegas. Could not spend it with a better group of peope. It was sad to say good-bye but I am glad you are happy in beautiful Colorado. I feel blessed to have such good friends. All I can say is I will see you in October! GO CUBS GO!
The trip was amazing! I am relishing the moments we had together and can't wait to see you guys soon! We are so lucky to have a group of people who enjoy traveling and the company of one another. Let the good times roll!
Thanks for the great trip all! Reflecting on the excellent times we shared together reminds me of how fortunate I am to have such a fantastic group of friends (including those who now reside in Colorodo :-) Yes, Nick, that means you too! Until our next big adventure...Viva Las Vegas!
All I can say is "Six Flags" . . . more flags, more fun. You guys are the best!
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