Been kind of a bummer day. We leave tomorrow for Vegas - really very excited about that - but the dogs can't go with us. So for the first time in their lives, they are being boarded at the kennel at the vet. We have always been so blessed to be able to leave the dogs with Lindsey or the Kuhns or even have Jordan or Sarah or Mel come stay with them any time we have been out of town. Since we don't really know anyone out here yet, that wasn't an option for this trip. I did as best research as I could before I selected a vet. I was happy to hear the three of them could stay in the same kennel together (as my mom says - at least they have each other), and I took their favorite blankets, rawhides and chew toys, along with the food they're used to. We paid a little extra so they could have extra walks during the day. I know they'll be fine...but I miss them terribly. I cried when we dropped them off, and I'm sure Nick was wondering what his life has come to...he's having to hold my hand and tell me it will be ok because we've just dropped the dogs off - they're dogs Natalie! When I told my sister I was sad, she told me where to go. Those of you who know her are not shocked by her lack of empathy, I'm sure. Anyway, it's really quiet around here without them. I didn't have Rusty to go on my run with me this afternoon...which I'm sure he was actually glad about. I know he detests running with me, but if you saw how plump he was getting, you'd think the running was a good idea! I miss the boys barking at stupid little noises and Sophie howling when one of the boys gets attention and she doesn't. There were no little doggies to beg for the dinner leftovers and no worries tonight if one of them needs to be let out to go potty. It's especially hard being here at home knowing they are about a mile across town...why can't they stay here with me until the exact moment I have to leave town??? Darn the vet for not having 24-hour drop-off service! Kidding on that one :-) We get back late Thursday night from Vegas. Before I left the vet today, I asked what time we could pick them up on Friday and was told before 6 p.m. I said no, how early in the morning is what I meant? You can be sure I'll be there at the exact moment they open those doors at 8 a.m. Friday morning :-)
you cried writing this blog didn't you? you are a sad little girl. hugs and kisses from my puppies!
How did the puppies do? I miss special eddie and wrigley humping ollie's head.
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