Our Journey

Our Journey

Thursday, August 21, 2014


A huge thanks to my hubby for his support as I work myself back in to shape. It isn't always pretty, but he makes sure I have time to get my workouts in. And he believes in me, even when I don't really believe in myself. 

I set off for a run today just after 5.  It was 88 degrees, felt like 96 degrees, we had a heat advisory, and the humidity was ridiculous. I was still sore from my piyo workout on Tuesday and I had easily convinced myself I'd be better off skipping exercise today. But Nick encouraged me and off I went. 

I just so happened to run my farthest distance and fastest pace since I started running again on August 5. Now, the farthest distance isn't actually far, and the fastest pace isn't actually fast, but I did it. 

I'm thankful I had someone who believed in me today when I didn't believe in myself :)

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