By now you know that we had a baby. And by now you prolly know that baby is a girl!!!! We still can't believe it... not sure why. Just that neither of us expected it for some reason. That being said I think we are both growing more and more excited about it each day! The theme of today was PINK!

When we started today, the only thing we had that was PINK was the Vail baby hat that the hospital had given us, and a PINK bow and baby blanket that Alana and Jess brought last night. Yikes! We have a girl and no girly clothing! This could be an issue. I mean, I do want her to grow up and be a tomboy and all, but it may be nice for people to at least know that she is a girl while she is a baby!
Our First attempt at the Bow thing!Thankfully our friends Amy and Tiffany came up to visit this morning and brought plenty of goodies! Amy brought a bag full of cute girly bows and Tiffany brought her most excellent photog. skills! Those along with a cutsie little outfit for Lindy! I am sure that there will be more PINK in the near future!

Aunt Lindsey sent a gift bag from the hospital gift room containing some candy bars to satisfy Natalie's sweet tooth, and a cute little PINK baby blankie.

Cayle and Grandma came to visit this afternoon after his naptime. He loves the idea of the "baby" but is still hesitant to get too close or to touch her. He is doing so good with being around her though and pointing out all the PINK baby things! He cleaned our hospital room for us while he was here, and then took me out to Qdoba with grandma for dinner! What a sweet little man!

Cayle took Grandma to library today, and to the park to play. This after taking her to the pool yesterday to swim. He has been riding his bike everyday, and eating like champ! (not sure if he is growing or something, but he has been eating more than his usual amounts!!!) He has music tomorrow then coming back up to see us!

Lindy update: She has been doing great! Nursing is going really well, and pretty much all she does is eat, fuss, and sleep. She loves sleeping on Natalie and tonight fell asleep on me for the first time! Current routine is eat for 40 minutes, sleep 10, fuss 10, eat 10, sleep 10, fuss 10... you get the point, this goes on for about 3 hours ish, then she falls asleep for 4-5 hours! She sleeps so soundly, sometimes I check her breathing to make sure she still is. She is so perfect and will be such a great complement to her big brother Cayle! We are so lucky and blessed to have 2 healthy happy children!
We are thinking she looks like Cayle as a baby (pictured below)
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