Ok, I admit. I did not buy a lottery ticket. Not sure why really... Seems like everyone else did. Come to think of it I have never bought anything other than the scratch and sniff tickets. Actually, don't think they are scratch and sniff, rather just scratch offs. I have several theories as to why I did not buy a ticket, but I think when it comes down to it I just never had enough motivation to go to the store to purchase one. One possible theory is that I believe people should have to work for their money, and it not just be handed to them.... that being said, I am pretty sure I would not turn it down if it were to be handed to me. I just really can't stand the people that win, and then change everything about their lives and become irresponsible bums.... I think if I would win, I would keep working in some aspect, or at least stay involved somehow in society, set up a yearly donation fund to a charity, travel more for sure, buy nice bike parts and a few more bikes, a new house with some land for puppies and the kids to run around on, and turn the rest over to a financial adviser to invest for the future. (there may be a few other misc. things that would come up as well...)
Then again, I did not buy a ticket.... Luckily for me, I have a great wife, 1 fantastic child with another coming soon, a good home to live in, good friends, and more beautiful mountains surrounding me than I could ever even dream of being able to explore. Life is great! :-)
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