Cayle really wanted to go outside behind the house today, so I put his jacket on him and his hat and out he went. Temps were in the mid 30's and sunny. He just kind of walked around, exploring the different areas of the yard. He really liked the rocks and the garden area (as usual.) He probably spent close to an hour out there before he finally came back and knocked on the door for me to let him in. He did have his dogs out there with him to keep him company. I spent some time watching him out the back window. He seemed so happy, just to be walking around and exploring things. He also really likes the snow that we have left in the shady areas. It's funny, when his fingers get cold, he blows on them. Natalie taught him that, and he likes to do it. I never saw him do it today, but he does it once in a while. Love watching my boy play outside!

When I got home from work tonight, I decided to break the ice dam that has formed outside our house. It formed after the ditch behind the house flooded then everything froze in front of the house several weeks ago. HOA cleaned up most of the sidewalk mess, but we have had this frozen block in the drainage area in front of the house. It was about 6" thick in places, and wouldn't have melted until May. It only sees a few hours of sunshine a day in front of the house and it's amazing how long snow and ice will stay there. I had to use an axe and a dirt digging shovel to pry it all apart. Took about an hour. Good exercise! Hopefully now that it's broken up it will melt in time for the Superbowl Party.
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