Cayle has been Skyping with Grandma B on a daily basis. Every time we open our computers he asks for grandma. These are a couple of his "Skyping" positions. Tebow "Tebows," Cayle "Skypes." Below he is in his squat talking to uncle Bob. In the above picture he is on his belly talking to Grandma B.

We don't give Cayle pasta with red sauce very often for fear that it will end up on his clothes, in his hair, or on the walls and floors. This was pretty great of him to keep it on his face this time. (or so we thought... later we found some on the hair on the back of his head while getting him ready for bed...) In the above picture you can see how tired he is from the look in his eyes, in the below pic, I got a good smile out of him.

Natalie's uncle Robbie and his wife Rhonda gave us their "Famous" family omelet recipe for Christmas. We got around to making them Monday morning. They were pretty yummy! You can see the ingredients are eggs, classic lays, Velveeta cheese, flour, and milk. The chips are an interesting touch, but add a bit of flavor and crunch. Cayle especially loved them! He ate an entire omelet himself!
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