Here's the recap:
Friday - Nick went for a long ride after school. Cayle and I headed to the Brush Creek for dinner with Jeff, Jess, Torrey, and Alana. Then Jess, Alana, and I took Cayle to the park for some playtime. Cayle loved the slide. He's so adventurous and loves to take risks :)
Saturday - Rise and shine nice and early to head to IKEA in Denver. Ronnie, Michelle, Ethan, and Lexi met us there for a day of shopping. After IKEA (where we got Cayle a cool new table and chair set for $20), we headed across to the mall.

We had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory and did a bit of shopping (some maternity clothes were calling my name!). After that, we headed home. On the way home, we saw a first - one of the runaway truck ramps on the way down the pass was occupied. The tow truck that had apparently lost its brakes had finally come to a resting place about 3/4 of the way up the ramp...a very steep ramp. As my dad said "I bet he (the truck driver) pooped his pants!" A nice night once we got home...we watched the Rangers/Tigers game and hung out together.
Sunday - Lots accomplished today! Although we were off to a slow start (woke up at 730, yikes!), we made it to church on time (830!), and left from there to head to a pumpkin patch. It's about 45 minutes west on I-70, past Glenwood Springs.

After the pumpkin patch, we stopped in Glenwood to pick up a few odds and ends and for me to get my hair cut. Next stop was groceries and Costco, and finally home. More relaxing tonight, and watching the Cardinals game. Also put together Cayle's table and chairs...he loves them!

What a fun weekend! Lots coming up this week with Nick starting to coach basketball, me having a few meetings, and Nick and Cayle leaving for MO early Friday morning!
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