Today before his nap and before we headed to library for reading time (at which there were 12 kids 2 years or younger.... CHAOS!!!) he was out exploring the yard. He has been doing this a lot lately. In the mornings, I go out and check the garden and see how things are doing. I guess he has been watching. Today while I was cleaning the kitchen, I left the back door open so he could go outside and play. I was watching him out the window. He was walking around the yard, the garden, checking out the bird feeder, and generally just seemed to be enjoying himself. He does a great job entertaining himself!
Since it was Tuesday, we headed to the library after his morning nap. Upon arriving, there were several moms already there (I am the only dad with his kid). The conversation was going something like this, "My kid loves watching Barney, I can't even get her to watch anything else right now." To which 2-3 other moms chipped in with what their kids favorite tv shows were. I chose to stay out of the conversation. Cayle doesn't even watch T.V. other than sportscenter with mommy and daddy. The tv is on a lot, but he pays it no attention, he would rather be playing with toys, or playing outside. Do most kids have a favorite tv show at the age of 2 or less???
It was really cute, about halfway through the reading time he decided to leave my legs, he always stands between my legs while I sit, and stride up to the lady who was reading. He then stood just in front of her... about 2 feet away, and just watched the book while she read. He was pointing at things as she read. It was pretty cool!
After reading time is over, the kids all get to play with mini beach balls for a few minutes, and interact with each other. Cayle loves this time, and loves playing with the other kids. Today another kid that is always there, he's about 18 months, came up and pounded a ball on Cayle's head! The kid got in trouble from his mom, but the interesting thing was, Cayle just kind of looked at him with confusion in his eyes, wondering why he would do something like that. Cayle then walked to me and just kept looking at the kid that did it. I didn't really know what to tell him?
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