I got chills listening to Glenn Beck on AM radio this morning driving down to Grand Junction for a conference. He did a live radio segments a couple minutes long on sounds and interviews from the actual moment that the twin towers were hit. It brought back all the terribleness that went along with that day. There was actual transmissions from aircraft pilots demonstrating the confusion of that hour. It was crazy!
I'm sure most people probably remember exactly where they were, or what they were doing when they got the news. I don't usually remember things like that, in fact, it's one of the few things I remember so specifically. I just remember waking up in bed at college and thinking that I was having a nightmare. I went back to sleep for 5-10 minutes, before realizing that I had actually seen it on the television, and then proceeded to watch as the 2nd plane hit the tower. It was so SURREAL!
I would be naive to believe that we will never see anything like that again, but I hope for our children's sake that we never see anything like that again! The horror, the pain, the memories, the deaths...
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