As soone as he gets hear, he plops down in daddys recliner to reed me a book that he picked up from the air port. Its a John Grisham kids book. It was written so that I coood understand wat was goin on. I liked listening too him reed.
After reeding time, it was time to play aero plane. This is one of my favorit games! I lay on my bewy, and daddy and granpa lift me into the air so that I can fli! This gam almost always make me lauf and giggle!
After the aero plane game, it was tim for a rid in my strower. This is one of my favorit things to do! I slept in here for 4 ours while granpa pooshed me all over Gypsum town. He tucked me in nice and worm, and I was out like a lite.... :)
Granpa and I have schedules tha are awike. I sweep, eat, pway... sweep, eat, pway....sweep, eat, pway.... Granpa sweeps, eats, plays, eats, sweeps.....eats, pways, eats again, and sweeps. He just eats one more tim than I does. So here I am pwaying for a bit after my strower ride around Gyspum! I was a happy boy!
Ovrall, it was nice to see granpa! I had a goode tim hangin out wit him. Now xcuse me, sinc i am done pwaying it tim to go to sleepy! Night, Nite!
-Cayle Bale
Awesome! Very cute photos! Funny and cute to hear what Cayle was thinking!
Your grandpa looks like your daddy, Cayle! Very good writing skills you have!
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