Our Journey
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Happy Boy!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Good to See
I always find it ironic that when you go to the hospital you encounter the most out of shape, unhealthy people. Most of them seem to smoke as well. Seems weird at a place we go to get fixed up and healthy again. Saw this on 9news last night. About a hospital in Denver where the head of the hospital leads fitness classes during the day. Good story, and seems like more hospitals could do something similar to lead by example...
Also, we have a new brewery coming to Eagle, CO! Bonfire Brewery is opening a tasting room in downtown Eagle! We will be sure to frequent this place. A grassroots brewery started from scratch. Can't wait to get a taste of the beers!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Cayle loves his Chariot
Started a new thing this year. I went .9 at school. This results in a little less pay, but I get Friday afternoons off to go pick Cayle up from his sitter. This time with him is amazing! I ride my bike from school to the sitter and then he rides in the Chariot behind the bike on the way home. He is often sleeping by the time we get home and it's only about 3 miles. Then we go for an afternoon run and he sleeps in the Chariot during that. Today we ran 8 miles in 1 hour 10 minutes, and he slept the whole time, then slept for another 45 minutes in the garage after we got home. Some people put their kid in the car seat and drive around to get their children to stop crying, Cayle prefers the Chariot.
About a week ago Natalie walked into a small boutique in Glenwood Springs for a few baby gifts for OTHER people. When she walked out she was grinning from ear to ear... I knew something was up! She pulled out of her bag this wiener dog that Cayle is holding. She couldn't leave the store w/out it...... :( Thankfully Cayle likes it.... ALOT! :)
It's his own personal wiener dog for him to play with and chew on... Rusty would like to chew on it as well I believe. What Rusty doesn't know is that in a few months Cayle is going to be trying to chew on him..... Good times upcoming in the Brummer household as Cayle tries to play with the puppies :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Eye Candy
My 2010 Jet9 in Vana White. Love this bike!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Independence Pass for Cayle's 4 month B-Day!
Today was Cayle's 4 month birthday, so we decided to take him out for a drive to see the Colorado fall colors. The Independence Pass drive is the top in the state, and one of Forbes TOP 50, for changing Aspen's so that was our direction. Through Aspen, up over the pass, back through Leadville, and down to Minturn and back home on I-70 to Gypsum. Cayle fell asleep as soon as we got in the car, and slept until we stopped for our picnic lunch at the old Indpendence Mine Site. We had some sesame seed pasta and Sam Adams Pale Ale. After lunch we continued on our way to the top of the pass where Cayle went for a short hike for his first experience above treeline. I think he liked it! On our way back after we had just passed through Minturn, I saw someone who looked like Floyd Landis, and Natalie said she thought so too. So we turned the car around and tracked him down. Sure enough, it was Floyd! After a short wait for him to get off the phone we got our picture taken with him. He is a really nice guy, and very friendly, I just lost a bit of respect for him after he fessed up to doping and then tried to bring everyone else down as well. Hopefully Cayle enjoyed the pic though, it was kinda cool seeing someone like that riding on the roads that we ride on. After the pic, we headed home for a total trip time of about 5 hours. When we got home Natalie did a bit of school work, and Cayle and I headed out for a run. We were feeling good, so we ran 6 miles. Cayle fell asleep at about 630 pm, and slept till 630 the next morning... He must have been tired from that long run....

I put the camera in his crib, and when he looked up, got this awesome picture this morning. He slept in his bib overalls last night. Good night's sleep for everyone!
Some of the colors of the yellow aspen leaves on the east side of Independence Pass. It was amazing!
Cayle's first pic above treeline on top of the 12,000 ft Independence Pass.
Toasting to Cayle's 4 month birthday!

Picture time with Floyd Landis....
I put the camera in his crib, and when he looked up, got this awesome picture this morning. He slept in his bib overalls last night. Good night's sleep for everyone!
Some of the colors of the yellow aspen leaves on the east side of Independence Pass. It was amazing!
Cayle's first pic above treeline on top of the 12,000 ft Independence Pass.
Picture time with Floyd Landis....
Fall Colors
Friday, September 17, 2010
I love this commercial! I don't usually think Geico commercials are that funny, but this one really hits the spot! It's hilarious!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What a Big Boy!!
We've been wondering when Cayle might start rolling over...turns out tonight was the night! He's going from his back to front pretty consistently now :)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Grandpa came to see me!
Prdon my spelling, but ths is the frst time I have done this! Usully my parents are the ones that rite these things. I was jst so xcited that grandpa came to sea me I couldnt wate for my daddy to wrtie on hear.
This is my new track suit that I have for this fall. Im all redy for grandpas arrivil.
As soone as he gets hear, he plops down in daddys recliner to reed me a book that he picked up from the air port. Its a John Grisham kids book. It was written so that I coood understand wat was goin on. I liked listening too him reed.

After reeding time, it was time to play aero plane. This is one of my favorit games! I lay on my bewy, and daddy and granpa lift me into the air so that I can fli! This gam almost always make me lauf and giggle!
After the aero plane game, it was tim for a rid in my strower. This is one of my favorit things to do! I slept in here for 4 ours while granpa pooshed me all over Gypsum town. He tucked me in nice and worm, and I was out like a lite.... :)
Granpa and I have schedules tha are awike. I sweep, eat, pway... sweep, eat, pway....sweep, eat, pway.... Granpa sweeps, eats, plays, eats, sweeps.....eats, pways, eats again, and sweeps. He just eats one more tim than I does. So here I am pwaying for a bit after my strower ride around Gyspum! I was a happy boy!
Ovrall, it was nice to see granpa! I had a goode tim hangin out wit him. Now xcuse me, sinc i am done pwaying it tim to go to sleepy! Night, Nite!
-Cayle Bale
As soone as he gets hear, he plops down in daddys recliner to reed me a book that he picked up from the air port. Its a John Grisham kids book. It was written so that I coood understand wat was goin on. I liked listening too him reed.
After reeding time, it was time to play aero plane. This is one of my favorit games! I lay on my bewy, and daddy and granpa lift me into the air so that I can fli! This gam almost always make me lauf and giggle!
After the aero plane game, it was tim for a rid in my strower. This is one of my favorit things to do! I slept in here for 4 ours while granpa pooshed me all over Gypsum town. He tucked me in nice and worm, and I was out like a lite.... :)
Granpa and I have schedules tha are awike. I sweep, eat, pway... sweep, eat, pway....sweep, eat, pway.... Granpa sweeps, eats, plays, eats, sweeps.....eats, pways, eats again, and sweeps. He just eats one more tim than I does. So here I am pwaying for a bit after my strower ride around Gyspum! I was a happy boy!
Ovrall, it was nice to see granpa! I had a goode tim hangin out wit him. Now xcuse me, sinc i am done pwaying it tim to go to sleepy! Night, Nite!
-Cayle Bale
Bowmans Shortcut to Two Elks Trail
Monday, September 6, 2010
Kind of Ironic. I am the person responsible for getting these bracelets banned from school for being inappropriate…..
Yet my son wears a onsie that says close to the same thing…..
I just felt like it wasn’t conducive to creating a healthy learning environment.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Fusion Cafe.....Clean Garage
After church we headed out for a nice breakfast. Fusion Cafe in Eagle is Awesome! The food is excellent! They are a bar, breakfast cafe, pizza joint, and now a sushi bar! Can't say enough good things about this place! One of our favorites for breakfast, and looking forward to trying out the sushi sometime soon! Highly recommend trying out the Fusion Cafe if you get a chance!
After returning home from breakfast I set out to complete my two biggest tasks of the day. Cleaning the garage and washing all five of the bikes! The garage was a disaster, and hadn't been cleaned in a LOOOONG time. So Natalie put me to work, and I did a Fantastic job! It looks awesome! I love having a clean garage! I rearranged the Man-Cave, and made everything look amazing! While I was doing the garage, Natalie cleaned and washed the car, and then cleaned the house.

Oh yeah, Cayle took a nice long nap in his swing so we could get all that work done! Thanks Cayle! :)
After returning home from breakfast I set out to complete my two biggest tasks of the day. Cleaning the garage and washing all five of the bikes! The garage was a disaster, and hadn't been cleaned in a LOOOONG time. So Natalie put me to work, and I did a Fantastic job! It looks awesome! I love having a clean garage! I rearranged the Man-Cave, and made everything look amazing! While I was doing the garage, Natalie cleaned and washed the car, and then cleaned the house.
Oh yeah, Cayle took a nice long nap in his swing so we could get all that work done! Thanks Cayle! :)
Friday, September 3, 2010
First Week
is in the books... Man! are we exhausted. Finally got some good sleep last night, mainly cause we went to bed at about 8:30...
Week Wrap-Up....
Cayle started daycare, we started school with kids, Cayle got on a different sleep/daytime schedule, he now wakes up at 1 and 4 every night, we no longer sleep thru the night, makes for a tiring long day.
But really? How can I complain, we just went without work and got to spend the last 3 months with our son in the great state of Colorado! Life is good!
Week Wrap-Up....
Cayle started daycare, we started school with kids, Cayle got on a different sleep/daytime schedule, he now wakes up at 1 and 4 every night, we no longer sleep thru the night, makes for a tiring long day.
But really? How can I complain, we just went without work and got to spend the last 3 months with our son in the great state of Colorado! Life is good!

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