(looks like this baby is trying to get out the wrong place....)
We had a hospital visit tonight. Natalie was having consistent contractions, so we called the Dr. and she said we better come up to Vail to get checked out. We were admitted and checked into one of the rooms. Natalie made herself comfy.... on the bed, and the nurse came in and hooked her up to the machine so that we could measure contractions and hear the baby's heart beat. We (she) got to answer a bunch of questions (at least we won't have to do that next time). It was kind of weird because she was having contractions about every 2-3 minutes, but they were lacking in intensity. They were a little nervous about sending us home, in case we had to come back later in the night, so they had us walk around for 2 hours to see if that would get labor started. After walking, Dr. Kohn checked her again, and nothing different, so we headed home about 9:00 pm. Soooo, I guess we'll just call that a practice run. Now we really know what to do next time. We are ready, whenever the baby decides he/she is ready.
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