I headed down route 6 to Dotsero in the warm sunshine, however air temperature was only around 33 degrees. Moving on the bike it was kinda cool when I was in the shade, but fairly nice in the sun. After hitting Dotsero I headed up the Colorado River road for just about a mile, and got a few pics. Snowed 6 inches out here yesterday, and it's all almost gone by today. With weather in the mid 40's tomorrow, it should be completely melted. Ended up with about 20 miles in the hour that I was out.

Looking back on the Colorado river road.

This is a gorgeous ride along the river. Turns to dirt a ways up, but still good riding, as it is a very hard and smooth dirt road.

Another funny story.... Natalie is the QUEEN of being on time to go places, or to be at work, her biggest pet peeve has to be people that aren't prompt or on time when expected to be somewhere.
It was about 4:30 this afternoon, and Natalie was just chillin on the couch. I thought she had to be at work at 5:00, so I said to her, "are you aware of what time it is?" She said no, not really, and was like oh, I guess I better get ready. So she is getting ready and stuff, and is in the shower and it's like 4:55 when she finally gets out of the shower. I was thinking holy crap! She is going to be at least 15 minutes late to work. This is unprecedented! I was giving her a lot of crap about how much she has changed since we met, and about how late she was going to be. Then I said, "your never going to make it there by 5." At this point it was a couple of minutes before 5. She said, "5? I don't have to work until 5:30." (I'm an idiot....:)
Another good story: when she puts her mind to something she works as hard as necessary in order to finish what she wants to get done. She is very determined when she has something she wants to get done. I am not quite like this...Half the time when I start something, I will find something else to do. When we got home from running errands this morning Natalie wanted to get the things from the baby shower put away and organize the baby's room. After helping her move a couple of shelves, I took two of the dogs and headed downstairs to watch some basketball. About an hour later, a friend came over to check out a closet that we want a light put into. When he came in the dogs went crazy (as they always do). A little later after he left Natalie came downstairs looking like she had just woken up. Turns out she had fallen asleep on the floor, laying in the sun coming in the window, with her sweatshirt as a pillow. Totally something I would do. Totally not something that Natalie would do. In fact I can't remember anything like this ever happening before. Not sure if she's taking after me, or if the baby is messing with her mind......
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