A Birthday!
Nick turned 29 on Saturday. We spent the morning making and delivering food baskets for the Salvation Army. After that, we met up with Torrey and Alana for bowling and dinner.

Fun in the Snow
Nick and Torrey got out on the mountain on Sunday. They got there bright and early and had entire runs to themselves. They were two very happy guys!

Family Christmas
We used the online program Skype (it's free, I highly suggest downloading this program if you have people to want to see on web cam and chat with) to watch my family Christmas celebration on Sunday. I knew it would be hard not being home for Christmas, but this helped out a lot. We were able to open gifts for everyone to see, and also watch them open their gifts. The mics worked really well, so we could hear almost every side, snide comment made by all :-)

We spent the past two days painting the baby's room. Nick and I had checked some books out from the library a few weeks back. We new we wanted something different than your typical nursery, but weren't sure exactly what. We saw one example with some kid art on the wall, and decided to head that direction. From there, we made the rest up on our own. Nick did the solid-colored painting on all of the walls, and I did the lettering and artwork. Here's what we came up with:

Dr. Appointment
We head up-valley today for our 20-week (actually 19-week) ultrasound. Apparently we can find out the baby's sex today. But we don't plan to find out this info until he/she is born. So, we're expecting a surprise!
Update: ultrasound pics :-)

More Snow
Nick is heading up to The Beave today to snowboard before our dr. appointment. According to their website, they have 3 inches of new snow, with more on the way. We are in the middle of a pretty good-sized storm that isn't supposed to stop until tomorrow morning. So, even though our white Christmas was never in question, we'll have an even whiter Christmas with even fresher snow.
Upcoming Break Plans
For Christmas Eve, we are planning on getting dinner out somewhere (we'll wait until the specials are posted until we decide!), go drive around and look at Christmas lights, then attend Midnight Mass (yes, it's at midnight) at the Beaver Creek Chapel. Should be beautiful!
Christmas Day, we're going to open our gifts and once again use Skype to share the experience with family. And probably take a nap at some point :-)
Our next dr. appoint with Dr. Kohn is on the 31st. She's been a good find and we really enjoy her. For once it seems going to the dr. is actually fun!
Sorry this is a really late comment! Looks like both Nick & Natalie are enjoying designing a baby's room, Christmas went smoothly, and the OB-Gyn appointments went well! If going to a doctor can be fun, I wanna know how that's possible!
To Nick: I knew you were a bit older than me! I just forgot your birthday is Dec 1980! Which makes you about 8 months older than me!
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