The pic above is not one of wolves, but one of coyotes which do range in our area and are fairly common. Coyotes also range in packs at times and much like wolves also howl at each other for communication.
Tonight we had an appreciation dinner sponsored by the PTO at 6:00. At Chatham the PTO consisted of many people, so we were in for a surprise tonight when we saw 4 PTO members who were at the meeting. It didn't take away from the dinner though which was Texas Chili and Green Chili among other things. Smaller town smaller PTO though I reckon. Back to the coyotes....we walked out of school at about 7:30 to a cloudy night and a BRIGHT full moon. There were lots of howls coming from a pack on the Red Hill on the right side of the valley, which were being answered by howls from a pack on the left side of the valley. (It's only about 1 mile or so from one side of the valley to the other.) It was really eerie and very cool to walk out of school to coyote howls and a full moon complete with a cloudy sky and fresh snow and ice on the ground.
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