The picture should pretty much give it away.
Not much accomplished today...a load of laundry got washed - not put out on the line - but washed nonetheless...and I think Nick partly washed the car (don't ask - he's very mad at the car wash machines!) Anyway, the night ended nicely with a dinner out at etown.It may, or may not, have been mentioned in a previous blog that there are lots of summer dinner specials out here. So, we like to look in the Vail Daily to see what good deals we can get. Tonight we drove up to Edwards for etown's Tuesday special - $6 burger and fries. They also happened to have the MLB package, so that made things even better. Got to see the Brewers & Cardinals lose and the Twins win. O, did I mention we also got to see the Cubs win??!! I heard through the grapevine that the Cubs' magic number is 31. It may be a tad early to start magic number countdowns, but I'll go with it.
So anyway, another etown patron noticed I was a Cubs fan; Nick asked if he was from Chicago and he said no, further downstate...as in Streator. So anyone from L-P who reads this understands Streator is pretty close and the man knew I was a Cavalier in high school. To make it all a little weirder (is that a word??), Reo apparently played Streator tonight for baseball. Hmmm, "it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world" :-)
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